Music and Scenes from Ruth : the Musical
[The highlights from the evening, 14 minutes; beginning with the scenes from the last rehearsal to the after-the-performance gaiety.]
[The actual performance. Running time: 1 hr 6 minutes.] If you find that your network connection doesn't allow a smooth playing, you may consider downloading it and play it from your machine. See below* for further instructions.
Hope you re-experience the fun and music and share it with your friends who couldn't come!
*The video for the whole performance is pretty large. If you would like to download it or its higher resolution version, you may do so at our vimeo page. There, go to one of the video pages, and on the right-bottom of the page, you will find a box with a name "About this video". In it, there is a link named "download this video". Depending on the browser, clicking on the link will just open a new window and start showing the video. In that case, you may need to right-click on that "download this video" link (on windows), or cntrl-click (on Macs) to bring up further options. There, select "Download linked file as" or its equivalent to save the file where you want. To play, you may need to have installed Quicktime on the machine, which will most likely have been installed already.