윤동주 추모 공연 rescheduled [Mar 21 Sat 7:30 PM]

This event is now rescheduled for Mar 21 (Sat) at 7:30 PM!

윤동주 70주기 추모공연  보스톤

For more information about the performers and previous concerts, visit the organizer’s web site at http://www.snowingmap.com.

For information about Dong-ju Yun, one of the most beloved poets in Korea, here is the Wiki entry about his brief life. 


죽는 날까지 하늘을 우러러 한 점 부끄럼 없기를

잎새에 나는 바람에도 나는 괴로와 했다

별을 노래하는 마음으로 모든 죽어가는 것을 사랑해야지

그리고 나에게 주어진 길을 걸어가야겠다

오늘 밤에도 별이 바람에 스치운다

The proem:

Till my last, to suffer not a blot of shame on looking up at heaven,

My heart has been tormented by mere rustlings of the leaves.

In a spirit of chanting stars, I shall love all the moribund lives.

Then, let me walk on my path given.

The wind whisks by stars as ever on this even.