Piano Trio of Forte New York [4-22 Sunday 5:30 PM]
Oasis Café Music Night, KACF and the Forte NY Chamber Music present “Piano Trio of Forte New York” featuring Vicky HyunJin Lee (violin), Yu Mi Bae (cello) and Hyojin Rhim (piano). The concert is on Sunday, April. 22, 2018, 5:30 p.m. at the ECC Main Chapel of KCB, 32 Harvard Street in Brookline. The program will include exciting pieces from the classical and the modern era such as the “Ghost” trio by Beethoven (op. 70 No. 1), Cafe Music by Schoenfield, solo pieces by Brahms and Walton.
Please join us for an afternoon of exciting chamber music and free refreshments.
For more info, check out https://www.eventbrite.com/e/free-community-concert-an-oasis-cafe-presentation-tickets-44776532815